Getting Your Life in Alignment (Even When Your Back Is Not)
Bom Dia!
This week was exciting (and next week will be even bigger!)
Sister Andersen is getting ready to finish up her mission, so we all went to the huge center market in the heart of Fortaleza to help her get all of the things she wants to take home. In the whole process I ended up getting *drumroll* another hammock!! Yay! I love hammocks. I prob will never sleep in a bed again... okay that´s a lie, I always wake up begging for a chiropractor... but like I love them a lot.
I got to see Sister Corell this week too when we went for splits in her area - Aguanambi! I love Aguanambi! And it was so fun to see sisters that I've already lived with again.
Funny things from this week:
- Sister Andrade trying to play with the bishop´s 4 year old son, João, and get him to give her a high five. João is super sassy and every time S. Andrade tried to call his name, he would look straight ahead and avoid looking at her, not crack a smile and pretend not to hear her.
"João! High five bud! João! João! High Five!" Hahaha nothing. Hilarious.
- There´s a 16 year old kid in our ward who´s a piano prodigy and this week we were eating lunch at his house with his parents and he busted out "Turn Down For What" on the piano. haha. so great.
I LOVE WHEN INVESTIGATORS GET ANSWERS! Our investigator Cilani this week was praying everyday asking God if the Church was true. For her, God worked through other people to give her an answer. While she was on the bus, she started reading one of the lesson pamphlets and some woman leaned over and started asking her about it. Cilani said she was studying the doctrine to see if she wanted to be baptized and the woman told her to keep studying! She said that the Church is wonderful and she should keep looking for God there. Holla. Thank you bus woman.
In other news, we´ve started teaching a guy named Belfor. He´s so happy! And he really liked church yesterday (#itstrue). He´s taking the steps to be baptized and we´re praying for him so he can be prepared this Sunday!
I love commandments!
7 For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you.
Heavenly Father knows literally everything. And He knows me better than I know myself, so He also knows what I must do to achieve the greatest happiness possible (aka live with Him again with my family). That is why He gives us commandments. They are our guidelines to be happy eternally. And the best part is, when we obey what He has commanded us (which we should just do anyways because He´s God and supreme over everything... and yet He lets us choose), He blesses us even more than we imagined.
I love helping people understand how much better their lives become when they are aligned with the commandments of God.
being a missionary is the greatest <3
Next time you hear from me, I´ll have been out officially 1 YEAR!
Love from Brasil,
Sister Chamberlain