Clear Pipes. Full Heart. Can't Lose.
This. Week. Was. Packed.
First, today I found out that I´m getting transferred! To Itapipoca! Packing it back to a little interior city :) I´ll be with Sister Mish, my first American companion <3
This week was AWESOME. On Tuesday morning (very very very early), our mission joined up with Fortaleza Leste in a super mega mission conference with Elder Craig C. Christensen of the presidency of the 70.
Wednesday I got to go to the Federal Police station to find out that I´m getting deported.
Just kidding! I renewed my visa and everything is good and smooth :) But on the way home things were not so good or smooth. Sister Meira and I missed our bus stop, so we had to stay on the bus for like another hour and half until it completed its route, went back to the bus terminal, and circled back to the street where we needed to get off. If you remember previous descriptions of the Fortaleza city transit, you´ll remember that spending an hour on the bus feels like riding Tower of Terror like 8 times. My tummy felt like scrambled eggs, and Sister Meira didn´t feel so hot either haha. Only the tender mercies of the Lord helped us keep it together until we got home.
In other news, our kitchen sink has been jacked up and not draining right. It´s been clogged up and taking hours to drain. I turned into the dad of our house and had to unscrew the nasty pipe to figure out what kind of horrendous thing was obstructing the drainage. Nothing. So then I removed the hose from the wall and found a small mountain of grey food (if you can still call it food) stuck in front of a spoon that (seriously? how does this happen?) somehow got washed down the sink. Luckily, the sink is working beautifully again and everything is in good order haha. GROSS!
This week we were super excited for John John and for Cleillson (old investigator) who were both working really hard to be baptized this weekend. The week started off strong but by Thursday things were falling apart. John John and his girlfriend have been fighting and he´s been super depressed. He didn´t even let us in the past few days. There wasn´t enough time to finish teaching him, and then yesterday he like disappeared and didn´t even go to church.
Cleillson also started acting weird and we found out that it was because he relapsed and let his addictions get the best of him. We were pretty sad that things didn´t work out this week, but it´s all in the hands of the Lord.
Aside from the fact that I fell in love with Captain Moroni, I´m super hooked. I started reading more every day so I can finish by the end of this transfer and it´s changed everything. I remember when i struggled to read one verse everyday at home. And then today I realized that I read for like 40 minutes and then was irritated that I only had 20 minutes left haha :) I love reading the Book of Mormon. I love feeling Heavenly Father´s love for me and seeing this love expressed in every little detail.
Love from Brasil,
Sister Chamberlain