A Marvelous Week and a Wonder!
Marvelous week in Jardim America, Fortaleza Brasil.
Mostly because i got to talk to my MÃE!!
But this week was super great.
We´re finding lots of people to teach!
Remember Allan? Well, now we´re teaching his grandma, Eudeneia! She´s a tough lover but she makes really good cake. She´s loving the Book of Mormon and seeing the joy in her life more and more every day.
We found Nayara and her little brother Gabriel this week. They went to church with us and loved it. They´re little sponges and soak up everything we have to teach them. It´s really amazing all of the questions they have and how interested they are. We´re working with both of them and their dad to get baptized at the end of the month <3
Thursday was super cool. All of our lessons were falling through and we were searching for a reference in some apartment complex. Luckily, a cute old woman (Hilmar) let us in to look for her. She wasn´t home so we went back to talk with Hilmar. Turns out she was praying this week that someone would come to her house to pray with her because she has to do some health exams and she was feeling super unsettled and was hoping for someone to help. Then, we showed up! We prayed with her and talked with her about God´s plan for our lives. How right now is our time to be tested and tried, but we are promised that if we are faithful we will live in joy and rest forever and ever. She loved it and is crazy to get baptized. She´s wonderful <3
Loving the work
Loving learning
Loving seeing changes in people as they learn of the Savior <3
Love from Brasil,
Sister Chamberlain