Feliz Páscoa!
Feliz Páscoa!!
This week was super great and weird...
My companion and Sister Anuarve (another sister who lives in our apartment) caught a freaky fly virus and were having "intestinal difficulties" all week.... fun stuff.
So we didn´t see too much action outside of the bathroom.
But we did get to go to an Easter production called Jesus the Christ! It was awesome. There´s a fancy old theater in the city center and a bunch of members in Fortaleza put on play/musical of the life of Jesus Christ. It was really really great. There were tons of missionaries and tons of members and tons of investigators there. It rocked.
Easter festivities weren´t too crazy, actually super mild. I was a little surprised. Although I did learn of one Brazilian Easter tradition... people make like a scarecrow doll thing made of cloth and old materials and stuff like that to represent Judas... and then they burn it... We passed a half burned "Judas" in the street yesterday... so that was interesting.
Anyways, I was learning about the Holy Ghost this week and found this rockstar quote:
Having the Holy Ghost is like the ultimate super power! I love that Heavenly Father promises if we knock, He will answer and that answer is almost always in the form of the Holy Ghost. He will never leave us without His power. <3
Loving the work and the journey <3
The Church is True!
Love from Brasil,
Sister Chamberlain