Losing My Accent and Building My Testimony

Ohh heeyyyyy, familia!

Who´s pumped for Christmas? This girl. Whoa. It´s so close! <3

So my new goal is to lose my lame American accent. We were talking to 3 teenage girls last week and they kept giggling and whispering and squealing when I talked - you would have thought I was T-Swift or someone. It was cool for like 0.2 seconds but I´m ready to be Brazilian now.

Our baptism with Narla fell through this week so that was kinda disappointing, but we´re prepping her for next week so we´ll see what miracles are in store the next few days. 

We share an area with another companionship and they had a really special baptism at the beach this week. It was super pretty! I wish I could show you, but everyone and their mom left their cameras at the home of one of our members...just close your eyes and picture a really cool Brazilian beach with 4 sister missionaries watching the baptism on the shore.

I saw a real life shooting star last night. It was legit.

WHOA. Okay. I learned this week that in 1829 Joseph Smith translated 588 pages of the Book of Mormon in a max of 65 days. (Whoa.)  It is also instructive to note that the translation of the King James Bible into English, by 47 scholars working in languages they already knew, took 7 years to complete.

#modernprophet #powerofGod

I got some mad spirit goosebumps when I learned that! I love the Book of Mormon!

The Gospel is super cool! I love teaching people about it everyday <3

Check out my cute Chaco feet tan...

Check out my cute Chaco feet tan...

Love From Brasil,

Sister Chamberlain